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Have Headaches?

Whether it’s minutes or hours, we all know that a headache can set us back and leave us feeling groggy, tired, and simply not our best. Over-the-counter medications help temporarily, but having a headache can be much more complicated than one simple fix. 

When you’re struggling with a headache, it can be one of two types: primary or secondary. Primary headaches often occur from “information overload” whereas secondary headaches occur from underlying issues. Dehydration and medical conditions can be classified as reasons for a secondary headache. 

At Estheva, we know that being in pain takes away from being our best selves. We want you to feel beautiful inside and out and be confident that you can tackle any task that comes your way. Our nurse estheticians are trained to fight pain and help you feel at ease again.


How Can Estheva Med Spa Help?

IV Hydration

Sometimes, we don’t realize that our biggest physical concerns have to do with a lack of hydration and vital nutrients. Our brains and bodies need to be their healthiest to feel their healthiest. IV hydration is a multi-faceted medical aesthetics treatment that allows you to relax, rejuvenate, and be the best possible you.

At Estheva, we cater each IV treatment to whatever your concern is. For headaches, we recommend adding the following menu to stop the pain for good: 

  • Multivitamins
  • Glutathione 
  • Myer’s Cocktail
  • Vitamin C

Lessen inflammation, reduce fatigue, and boost your brain with just one IV hydration treatment. If headaches are a regular occurrence for you, we recommend visiting your doctor to discuss any underlying issues. Your safety is our priority here at Estheva Med Spa. 

Man dealing with chronic headaches

Alleviate Headaches in Raynham, MA

If you’re feeling like you can’t escape the pain, it may be time to seek a new remedy. Here at Estheva, our nurse estheticians are passionate about making you feel like yourself again with a series of natural, energy-boosting, and anti-inflammatory options. For your safety, please visit your doctor if your headache symptoms worsen. 

For scheduling and spa inquiries, call 508-369-4677 or fill out and submit the request appointment form below.

Request Appointment

Make Estheva Med Spa your place for beauty and relaxation. We offer a range of aesthetic treatments and de-stressors to help you unwind and rediscover your natural beauty. Get started by filling out and submitting the form below or calling our office at 508-369-4677.

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