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Enlarged Pores

Enlarged Pores

No More Enlarged Pores

Everyone has pores–they help release excess sebum and oil. However, your pores can grow when there is excess oil production from aspects such as hormones, skin conditions, and even the products you use at home. 

Enlarged pores can be frustrating, especially when they decrease your confidence in your appearance. At Estheva, we offer treatments to tighten and resurface the skin for a fresh-faced you. 


How Can Estheva Med Spa Help?


The process of microneedling is highly effective for a variety of aesthetic concerns. Since enlarged pores often come from a lack of pore elasticity, microneedling can be a great option to reinstate collagen and elastin back into the skin cells. 

Reaching deep to awaken the cells, microneedling pinpricks into multiple areas of the skin and can span over the whole face. This means each part of the face gets extra attention to stimulate collagen and elastin. By rejuvenating the inside, your skin will begin to appear fresh, radiant, and glowy on the outside–while tightening up your pores.

XEO® Laser Genesis

Laser light energy is another great way to stimulate the skin-building proteins, collagen and elastin. XEO® Laser Genesis is a highly powerful nano-infrared laser system that can reach deep into the skin, allowing for greater cell awakening. 

The gentle heat energy is effective in closing up enlarged pores and resurfacing the skin with a smooth and even texture. Our Estheva professionals love XEO® Laser Genesis and recommend 3-6 treatments for long-lasting results. 

Close-up on large pores

Secret RF Microneedling

Secret RF Microneedling effectively rebuilds and revitalizes skin. Using controlled RF energy in combination with the microneedles, Secret delivers heat into deeper layers of the skin to firm up tissue, remodel collagen, shrink pores, and diminish scars, all while leaving the outer layer of the skin intact.

Eliminate Enlarged Pores in Raynham, MA

Tired of splotchy makeup application, or an oily complexion? It may be time to treat enlarged pores with the power of aesthetics. At Estheva Med Spa, we address every skin concern with a unique and gentle approach to get lasting results that you’ll love. 

For consultations and scheduling, call Estheva Med Spa at 508-369-4677 or fill out the request appointment form below.

Request Appointment

Make Estheva Med Spa your place for beauty and relaxation. We offer a range of aesthetic treatments and de-stressors to help you unwind and rediscover your natural beauty. Get started by filling out and submitting the form below or calling our office at 508-369-4677.

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